OneNote has shortcuts too

As a Town employee, you may already be familiar with OneNote. It has been a part of the Microsoft Office suite of applications for several versions. The latest version of OneNote offers additional features and allows you to access all your current work in any browser window and from all your mobile devices. You can always have all your notes and the tip of your fingers.

What is Microsoft OneNote?

OneNote is a digital notebook that automatically saves and syncs your notes as you work. It is a note-taking and personal information management (PIM) application for collecting, organizing and sharing digital information.

Many users find that using an external keyboard with keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft OneNote on Windows helps them work more efficiently. For users with mobility or vision disabilities, keyboard shortcuts can be easier than using the touchscreen.

What are keyboard shortcuts?

Keys or combinations of keys that provide an alternative way to do something that you would typically do with a menu, a mouse, or an application (software) feature.

Your co-workers are using this app to:

  • Organize their notes into notebooks, sections, and pages
  • Capture relevant mix media such as audio notes, images, videos, and files
  • Tag and highlight important notes and to dos
  • Share content with other collaborators
  • Organize emails with their notes

Tip of the Day

Frequently used OneNote shortcuts

OneNote format shortcuts

Frequently used OneNote shortcuts

To do thisPress
Undo the previous action.Ctrl+Z
Redo the previous action, if possible.Ctrl+Y
Select all items on the current page.Ctrl+A
To expand the selection, press Ctrl+A again.
Cut the selected text or item.Ctrl+X
Copy the selected text or item to the Clipboard.Ctrl+C
Paste the contents of the Clipboard.Ctrl+V
Move to the beginning of the line.Home
Move to the end of the line.End
Move one word to the left.Ctrl+Leftarrow key
Move one word to the right.Ctrl+Rightarrow key
Delete one character to the left.Backspace
Delete one character to the right.Delete
Delete one word to the left.Ctrl+Backspace
Delete one word to the right.Ctrl+Delete
Insert a line break without starting a new paragraph.Shift+Enter
Check spelling.F7
Display the context menu for the currently focused object.Shift+F10
Play the selected audio recording.Ctrl+Alt+P
Stop audio recording playback.Ctrl+Alt+S
Skip the current audio recording backward by 10 seconds.Ctrl+Alt+Y
Skip the current audio recording forward by 10 seconds.Ctrl+Alt+U

OneNote format shortcuts

To do this Press
Highlight the selected text. Ctrl+Alt+H
Insert a hyperlink. Ctrl+K
Copy the formatting of the selected text (Format Painter). Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste the formatting to the selected text (Format Painter). Ctrl+Shift+V
Open a hyperlink. Enter, when on the hyperlink text
Apply or remove bold formatting. Ctrl+B
Apply or remove italics formatting. Ctrl+I
Apply or remove underline formatting. Ctrl+U
Apply or remove subscript formatting. Ctrl+Equal sign (=)
Apply or remove bulleted list formatting. Ctrl+Period (.)
Apply or remove numbered list formatting. Ctrl+Slash (/)
Apply a Heading 1 style to the current note. Ctrl+Alt+1
Apply a Heading 2 style to the current note. Ctrl+Alt+2
Apply a Heading 3 style to the current note. Ctrl+Alt+3
Apply a Heading 4 style to the current note. Ctrl+Alt+4
Apply a Heading 5 style to the current note. Ctrl+Alt+5