Pay For Value Added Task Force
First convened in Fall 2017 at request of the former Town Manager to “build on the work of the Employee Compensation Task Force to continue to develop a compensation system that retains current employees and attracts our workforce for the future.”
Our mission is not to create an overall system that addresses employee compensation but rather explore how we can reward employees for adding value to the organization for individual or group achievements.
What We Have Done
- Met with stakeholders from various departments to gain feedback on their interests related to pay.
- Researched departments/divisions that already have reward or career progression programs.
- Gathered feedback from SLT, Employee Forum, and departments with active incentive programs.
- Interviewed and researched other organizations to understand their special pay programs.
What We Have Learned
- Employees are interested in rewards, recognition, and/or career progression.
- Employees want the system to be financially sustainable, equitable, and objective without competition between employees.
How Employee Responses Reframed our Thinking
- Shifted away from designing a “pay for value added” system with prescriptive requirements.
- Designed, instead, guiding principles to help departments incentivize employees beyond their base pay.
What We Are Doing Now
- Testing existing and newly proposed incentive programs against our principles to shore up the principles.
- Finalizing a document, which provides guidance for designing and implementing new incentive programs. You can access the Incentive Program Guidance Document in the following network folder by clicking here.
Task Force Members
If you would like more information, please email the task force at [email protected]. Also, feel free to reach out to a task force member or advisor:
- Matt Brinkley – Business Management
- Lisa Edwards – Housing
- Yesenia Mayhew – Public Works
- Tammy Morales – Human Resource Development
- David Sasser – Fire
- Wendy Simmons – Public Works
- Natalija Gajic – Public Works
- Steve Stewart - Advisor
- Christina Strauch – Communications & Public Affairs
- Cliff Turner, Advisor - Human Resource Development
- Steve Wright - Community Art & Culture
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