Employee Communications
Effective communication is an essential part of the Town's culture. Our team is here to help with both your internal and external communication needs. Here are some resources to help you produce a communication plan, develop a TownTalk article, and a variety of other communication-related needs.
Communication Strategy
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Catherine Lazorko, (919) 969-5055.
Excellent communication is a basic obligation of democratic government. It does not stand apart from the Town’s other activities but is an embedded component of success in every Town effort. Our goal is to build our community through the highest standards of openness and participation. The Town of Chapel Hill will reach out to people where they are to tell the story of what we are doing and how our actions affect them. Our communications will be clear, complete and timely, using any resource appropriate for the message. Our primary audiences are residents, volunteer leadership in local government, employees and news media. The Town Council adopted the Communications Strategy on January 24, 2011.