Occupational Health & Safety
The Occupational Safety and Health Division (OSH) of the North Carolina Department of Labor Administers the NC Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973. Compliance with OSHA 1910 General Industry Standards for Safety and Health – Requiring Programs, Inspections, Procedures, Records and/or Training (Part 1910 Safety and Health Regulations).
The TOCH has adopted a Workplace Health & Safety Policy, PP 8-4 which states:
It is the policy of the Town to provide and maintain work environments which are free from recognized safety hazards and to minimize or mitigate known health or safety risks to Town employees, visitors or the public. It is also the policy of the Town to comply with federal, state and local safety and health regulations and laws, including standards and rules of the North Carolina Department of Labor, which administers the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA).
The TOCH as a whole and departments within the Town have developed occupational safety & health programs and related procedures to address employee safety exposures and regulatory requirements. Programs and procedures are specific to each work environment and operation.
The following program areas encompass all work environments and departments within the Town. Ongoing proactive efforts, effective communications, and implementation of safety processes and procedures help meet compliance mandates and foster a culture of safety throughout the Town.
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