Safety and Risk Management
The TOCH has made a strong commitment to Workplace Safety by including “SAFETY” as a primary component of the adopted Town Values of RESPECT. If fact, all of the Town Values: Responsibility, Equity, Safety, Professionalism, Ethics, Communication and Teamwork contribute in a significant way to Workplace Safety. Our facilities, roads, parks, and public spaces are our workplaces. All Town employees at all levels play a critical role in workplace safety each and every day. We all help support and maintain safe work environments and participate in safety training programs designed to promote safety awareness and safe work practices. Our collective responsibility is reflected in both our Town values and within the requirements of the NC Occupational Safety and Health Act just below.
The Office of Risk Management is dedicated to Workplace Safety and collaborates with all departments on programs and services designed to maintain and enhance the safety of our workplaces, staff and the public.
Under the NC Occupational Safety and Health Act:
Each supervisor has a critical role and responsibility to ensure that each employee has received initial workplace safety orientation and training, and that the employee is competent in operation of equipment, has been provided PPE or other safety and health information before starting work
Each employee has the responsibility to “comply with workplace safety standards and rules, regulations and other orders” issued under the act that is related to his or her work.
The employer has specific responsibilities which are related to providing each employee a place of employment that is free from recognized safety or health hazards, and to comply with the intent of the OSHA standards as adopted.
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